Woman Life Freedom Quilt Raffle

I would like to thank you, The Friends of Salty Hippo Studio, for joining me in letting the protesters in Iran know we are listening and watching and want to help them in their fight. I am so proud of what we achieved with this raffle. We donated $1,850 to United4Iran—supporting their Safe Activism project, which helps protesters reduce the risk of their activism.
People from 13 states and 7 countries bought the $10 tickets and today, January 1, 2023, I drew our winner: Christopher Barillas 🎉 
Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket!
The Friends of Salty Hippo Studio:
Sumit Vij
Monique Anton
Subhan Jahromi
Debbie Deal
Henry Mensch
Shahab Shokrzadeh
Arienne Malekmadani
Christopher Barillas
Wai Ho
Natalie Hull
Pedram Mojabi
Michonne Dietrich
Helena Plater-Zyberk
Johanne Blackburn
Angela L Wright
Amanda Allen
Debra Lombardo
Foozieh Mirderikvand
Ginny Fay
Mahmood Shirooyeh
Marty Rogers
Pam Jarding
Sasan Dadbakhsh
Saunaz Sarvi
Tomie Walker
Ahmad Boostani
Ali Minaei
Amir Shammasi
Angie Fore
Carrie Brown
Claire Insel
David Garofoli
Denniele Bohannon
Haman Wahiki Office
Hamed Akhiani
Janet Wilson
Laurie Fairchild
Mary Jean Blythe
Melissa Englert
Michaele Moretz Sosinski
MohammadReza Saadat
Parastoo Mojabi
Rebecca Rodgers
Robyn Neth
Saman Babaei
Sanaz Norouzi
Siamak Rahbar
Steven Jenab
Terry Merrill
Zelda Zinn
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